BENGKEL 'English is F.U.N'
Tarikh : 16 Mei 2010 Ahad
Tempat : Masjid Al Azim, Melaka
Masa : 9 pagi- 5 petang
Tarikh : 30 Mei 2010 Ahad
Tempat : Masjid Negeri Selangor, Shah Alam
Bayaran : RM199 RM149 Untuk pemabaca ANIS RM99 Eksklusif 20 peserta pertama
HUBUNGI 013-6607046--
FB: anwarjauhari
Mohd Hilmi Bin Mohammad Isa
Guru Bahasa di Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka
Sarjana Muda Pendidikan TESL (& Kaunseling) UiTM
Post-Graduate Diploma in Islamic Studies UIA (can)
Markaz Tahfiz Al Quran wal Qiraat Negeri Selangor
Pensyarah di INSTEDT, Johor
1. Pendebat Kejohanan Debat Universiti-universiti Asean
2. Pendebat Kejohanan Debat Diraja Kebangsaan
3. Bekas guru di sekolah menengah kerajaan
Product description:
Students in Malaysia usually go through at least 11 years of schooling system which places English as one of the core subjects. Yet, the students, especially Malays, are not able to acquire the language well.
One of the reasons a person fails to acquire the language well is because there is a mental blockage in which they perceive that the language is difficult. This program acts as a key to English Mastery which destructs the blockage in students' mind. It is specifically designed for beginners, featuring English as a fun and entertaining subject conducted in aninteractive way. Target audiences : 10-17 years old “Dulu saya lemah dan tak minat English. Selepas belajar dengan Cikgu Hilmi, saya lebih faham dan minat English. Saya telah jadi pendebat mewakili sekolah di sekolah yang pelbagai kaum. Cikgu-cikgu pun kagum dengan peningkatan saya”- Amirul Asyraf, Klang. “Selama ni sya tak faham apa yang saya belajar. Selepas belajar dengan Cikgu Hilmi baru saya faham dan minat English.”- Mohd Farhan, Shah Alam. “Dalam kelas Sir Hilmi, kami main banyak permainan bahasa yang tak pernah main pun seumur hidup.” Nor Hamizah, K L. “Seronok belajar dengan Cikgu Hilmi. Aktiviti-aktiviti menarik”- Mohd hafiz, Bukit Jelutong
Bahasa Inggeris (BI) merupakan bahasa yang penting dalam hampir semua bidang. Malangnya ramai di kalangan pelajar- pelajar Melayu yang lemah dalam subjek ini Sehubungan dengan itu, Powerful Learning Training and Consultancy menganjurkan sebuah bengkel yang akan membawa pelajar melihat BI dari perspektif yang sama seklali berbeza. Kursus ini telah diformulasikan oleh tenaga pengajar yang berkelulusan, berkelayakan dan berpengalaman dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris Bengkel ini diberi nama 'English is Fun'
Powerful Learning Training and Consultancy
Menyediakan khidmat nasihat dan latihan dalam bidang-bidang yang berikut:
1. Psikologi Bahasa (Psikolinguistik)
2. BVQ (Belief Value Quotient)
3. Bengkel Teknik Kuasai Bahasa Inggeris
Trainer kami mempunyai latarbelakang pendidikan formal dalam bidang berikut:
1. Bahasa
2. Psikologi / Kaunseling
3. Pendidikan
4. Agama
IF YOU are currently learning English in a school, college or institute of further education, you join approximately one billion other people around the world who are engaged in the same pursuit. However, as you try to memorise proper grammar, and try to avoid the mistakes common to most students of English, you may wonder why you are learning the language in the first place.
So, why is English important?
After Mandarin, English is sppoken by more people than any other language, and is the native language of more than 350 million people. More people speak English than those who speak the Arabic and French languages combined.
Moreover, English is the international language of diplomacy, business, science, technology, banking, computing, medicine, aviation, UN & NATO armed forces, engineering, tourism, Hollywood films and arguably the best pop and rock music in the world.
English has plenty of words to choose from. In fact, an English speaker is offered the biggest vocabulary of any language with a choice of 500,000 to 1,000,000 words (including technical and scientific terms).
But don’t panic, most English speakers do very well with a vocabulary of around 20,000 words.
English can be fun too. For instance, the music of such stars as Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson and Madonna has encouraged fans to speak the language of their idols, whilst others have enrolled in English classes to improve their understanding of the dialogue in films and TV shows.
Or perhaps they have embraced English to enjoy the writing of Stephen King, George Orwell or J.K. Rowling. They may even have an interest in speaking English just to converse with travellers from other countries, who communicate by using the English global interlingua while travelling abroad.
Finally, if you are studying English at school, college or university, remember that getting an ‘A’ grade in English is almost worthless, in terms of communication, if you cannot speak the language. Spoken English is used in the best careers, the best universities, and is increasingly being used at job interviews. So like it or not, English is a very important language to learn how to speak.
Being able to read and write in English is not enough! – Vance Carson, Kajang
"Dari Abi Said Al-Khudri r.a, katanya : Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Sesiapa antara kamu yang melihat kemungkaran, hendaklah ia mengubahnya dengan tangannya (kuasanya). Sekiranya ia tiada berkuasa, hendaklah ia mengubahnya dengan lidahnya (nasihatnya). Sekiranya ia tiada berkuasa, hendaklah ia mengubahkannya dengan hatinya (tidak meredhai perbuatan tersebut). Dan yang demikian adalah selemah-lemah iman."AnwarJauhari
"Dari Abi Said Al-Khudri r.a, katanya : Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Sesiapa antara kamu yang melihat kemungkaran, hendaklah ia mengubahnya dengan tangannya (kuasanya). Sekiranya ia tiada berkuasa, hendaklah ia mengubahnya dengan lidahnya (nasihatnya). Sekiranya ia tiada berkuasa, hendaklah ia mengubahkannya dengan hatinya (tidak meredhai perbuatan tersebut). Dan yang demikian adalah selemah-lemah iman."