hari ini hari terakhir cuti semester, dan saya bersedia untuk menghadapi minggu akademik dengan lebih serius.
cuti bermula jumaat lepas, petang tu , saya gagahkan diri turun ke latihan ko kompeni pendidikan. walaupun nampak tidak berperanan, tetapi sebenarnya saya suka dan berminat untuk lihat cikgu mengajar. bukan setakat mengajar kawad, tetapi bagaimana mereka menerapkan nilai murni dan bagaimana mereka ingin menyampaikan objektif unit kokurikulum kepada pelatih. saya dapat sesuatu petang tu.-nilai memahami anak buah, dan nilai memudahkan apa uyang sebenarnya mudah tanpa dibayangi birokrasi.
esoknya , sabtu (cuba tulis english la pulak)...we suppossed to go to terengganu for an course handled by HEP. kursus revolusi minda 2. but, the trip was posponed. we need to join the UiTM homecoming. although we are not an alumni yet, but we have to join the explorace. -for me , i can gain more knowledge, and can find some alumni to be my new friends. actually my team in x-plorace also my new friends.
sunday, the trip to terengganu begin. we assemble at bus stop seroja at 3pm. waiting for the bus. 5 busses, until 5pm. alhamdulillah, the organizer was creative by giving us a task to be completed. trivia about UiTM. i was in the last bus, and arived at terengganu at 245am. first time doing ice breaking session on the bus.....new experience.
monday, first modul in the revolusi minda is ex-plorace. got the first envelope and forgot to do stretching. as the result, i cannot walk properly for three days....gelojoh!..padan muka...this also my first experience, running around dungun camous without stretching.
teusday, second day and the last day for the revolusi minda. first time for me to make banner, using pakka and sponge. we wrote "KAMI SEPENUH HATI MENYOKONG KEPIMPINAN DATO' SERI VC MEMPERTAHANKAN UiTM"-...ayat en saion yang bagi, kami tulis jeee...
but , i'm really thanked to UiTM to allow me to be part of this revolusi minda. i got many new knowledge, new friends, and new ideas....alhamdulillah....
wednesday, accidently i found fadhilah at HEP.she in trouble with his bomba bersama masyarakat programme. i want to go home, but , i think better i help him first. 10 thing-to-do, i just hekp him in what you must do......but i not help her to do that thing....why? becausa i want to go home.
=rm18 for s alam-batu pahat, and rm18 for bpahat-salam. amazingly, i only had 24hour to go home...1.45pm.....good bye shah alam
friday, no activity for that day.why? because i cannot walk properly and i had fever....wahana revolusi minda tu lah! just helping hj hanif at pusat islam. bentang sejadah, safrah and wash my clothes. also preparation for saturday.
saturday: program tautan kasih berdsama 3B at sek men agama hj mohd yatim, ulu gadong, rembau negeri sembilan. as a project manager....alhamdulillah , berjaya dgn lancar.
konsert gegar U-penuh sampai kena halau balik......i was there, not because of the concert, but because UiTM. komander kesatria wajib turun buat kawalan pelajar di DSB. but i got many new knowledge last night, and books, and friends. i turn into positive point, although i still dare to say that gegar U should not be done in UiTM.
1-saya berpendapat:bagus kalau semua konsert adalah tertutup. kerusi boleh diasingkan, orang tak terlalu banyak, dan senag di kawal. kalau nak buat konsert juga, buat di dalam dewan. jangan buat di dataran terbuka.
2.saya kagum: ada pihak yang berani menyebar risalah "antara 2 jalan: syurga,neraka-dsbUiTM(gegar U) atau dataran salam ( ceramah palestin). bagus...saya bangga dengan .anda teruskan!!!
3.saya tak kesal: ramai pelajar uitm datang, dan kena halau sebab dewan dah penuh. pelajar unisel pun ada yang balik, sebab tak dapat masuk. pelajar universiti lain pun ada jugak, lagi ramai. tapi mereka dapat masuk......bermusafir untuk ke konsert BUDI PENYAYANG gegar U.
4.bekenalan dengan peg pemasaran utusan. borak dengan mesra, akhirnya dapat beg, air 2 tin, majalah saji dan al-islam dengan potongan terlebih. tapi bagi saya yang penting , sy dapat no contact abang tu....
sunday; he harini la... update blog...and prepare for test....
- isnin pg-TEST math (probability-MAT) TEST research proposal (EDU), HANTAR research journal (EDU) , PRESENT misconception in brain (SCE)
- isnin,ptg- event manager team for jamuan penghargaan pasukan SAF fakulti pendidikan.(SMFP)
- isnin mlm-peserta malam karnival bahasa ketiga ( assume as kelas juga la, sebab ada attendance-BMD)
- sel pg-TEST kimia (CHM fsg),
- sel ptg-SIAPKAN summary untuk misconception (SCE)
- sel mlm-masjid
- rab pg-RESEARCH bio
- rab ptg-RESEARCH ( kajian lapangan sekolah )
- rab mlm-HANTAR lab report bio. MEETING bomba
- kham pg-LATIH dialog mandarin
- kha ptg-HANTAR latihan tulisan mandarin
- kha mlm-HANTAR lab report kim
- jum pg-RESEARCH bio
- jum ptg-BANTU ko-kesatria pendidikan
- jum mlm- ROW CALL level teratai
- sab pg- TURUN ko-bomba UiTM,
- sab ptg-IRING prog bomba bersama masyarakat darul Falah
barulah sedar rupanya english saya masih kelam kabut. ...belajar dan terus belajar.........