Fakukti hantar 4 orang pelajarnya ke sekolah Seri istana nie..anuar (classmate ak), dan 2 org lgi pelajar tesl yg ak baru tahu namanya tdi..niza( die lelaki) dan ifa.. Anuar antara pelajar dalam kelas aku yg amat berpotensi besar mendapat JUSA C ( cikgu cemerlang)..die ada ciri2 menjadi menjadi cikgu yg baik..die pandai mengajar..budak2 akan suka, dan mereka akan faham ap yg dia ajar...serius..dlu ak dgr kawan2 selalu cakap begini:
kalu ak ada anak nnti, kompem aku nk hantar die kat sek anuar ngajar..2orang pelajar tesl tu pulak aku lihat personality mereka hebat..niza siap sudah call lagi pengetua Seri Istana nie, bertanya itu ini, dan pengetua tu siap kasi tunjuk arah lagi nak ke sana, penjanjian nk kesekolah tu pun dah dibuat dgn pengetua tu..maka, aku simpulkn pengetua seolah seri istana itu baik ...staf2nya pun baik..dan aku gembira atas berita yg baik2 nie..
perkenalankan diri kitaorng..kemudian pilih subject mengajar..ha3..disebabkan fakulti dah tetapkan setiap org daripada kami kena amik dalm 10-12 kredit masa mengajar, mak
Niza ( die mengajar english)..hanya 10 masa lgi 2 masa..
Pengetua: Yea cikgu, cikgu nk ajar subject apa lgi selain english
NIza: ape ada yea cikgu?? (wah dah macam nk order makanan kat kedai jew)..
Pengetua: macam2 ada, sivik, pJ, geografi...
Niza: hmm..sivik la cikgu..
Ifa( die pun mengajar english juga)
pengetua: cikgu pula nak mengajar apa?
ifa: samalah cikgu, sivik
pengetua pun menulis sesuatu kat kertas..
giliran ak:
pengetua: cikgu, class biologi hnya 4 jam kredit saja( sekolah x akan beri kelas yg amik periksa pada ak, so hnya form 4 jew lah ak mengajar)...jadi, cikgu nak mengajar apa yew?
ak: hmm...apa2lah cikgu, saya x kisah..sejarah ada cikgu...?
Pengetua:ada,..( lalu die pun menulis semula pada kertas)..cikgu kena mengajar tambahan 9 masa lgi lah..lebih lah jadi 13 jam..
ak: x pew cikgu..hmm cikgu , sains boleh tak..( boleh plak tawar menawar)...
pengetua: boleh..lagi pun lagi berkaitan dgn biologi kan..jadi cikgu 9 jam yew utk sains..
pengetua: cikgu pulak, nk mengajar apa?
Anuar: Pj lah cikgu...( anuar nk mengajar PJ???, ak terperanajat sikitla tadi...tapi RAhik, dont judge book by its cover..ha3..sori nuar)...
kokurikukulum plak..x banyak bezanya dgn situasi diatas..kami tawar menawar plak boleh pilih...tapi ak suka Pengetua tu pangil kitaorg cikgu..kui3x.
kemudian, mulalah sesi bual bicara, kami tanya., cikgu tu jawab..ceritalah pasal sejarah sekolah, masalah sekolah, pelajar sekolah, aktiviti sekolah, takwim sekolah, panatia2 terlibat, jalan nk ke sekolah.....bnyaklah kitaorg tanya..kira penuhlah 4 kajang kertas ak bawa tu..
tapi, bila pengetua tu bercerita pasal pelajar2 kat c2...hati aku dah berbaur2 kesedihan dah..Tapi ak tahan...TAHAN RAHIK...yew ak tahan..
pelajar2 Seri Istana kebanyakknnya adalh low and middle economi status..ibu bapa pun tak berapa kisah sangt pasal pelajaran anak2 mereka, sekolah nie juga menerima pelajar2 yg dibuang dari sekolah ln, kebanyakakn pelajar juga adalh pelajar dari rumah kebajikan( home)..ada jugak badan2 NGO yang menguruskan pelajar2 Islam yg tiada ibubapa tapi kebnaykkn pelajar islam nie memilih utk tinggal dgn keluarga angkat atau saudara mara, bnyak juga dari broken family...
pengetua nie juga pesan: cikgu, jika adalh pelajar yg perli cikgu dalam kelas, jangan cikgu marah mereka balik, diam sahaja, jangan lah cikgu marah mereka dalam kelas, kemudian, lepas kelas, cikgu panggillah pelajar tersebut dan bercakap dgn lembut, dgn pelajar2 begini cikgu, kita kena lembut.., kena kauatkan emosi.....
pengetua tu jugak pesan: cikgu dalam kelas nanti, kena tegas, jangan berlembut dan main..tapi apabila cikgu dekati mereka secara individu, cikgu rapatilah mereka dgn lembut...
gitulah pesanan pengetua tu, ak 2lis apa yg ak paham dan ingat shj...bukan sebiji2 taw..
ok..pas tu kitaorg jumpa Cikgu Donald, amik data sikit utk SOP report...
esok hingga jumaat kena datang balik, tapi ak xtaw nk wat apa lgi esok, nagt leh siapkan satu hari jew..rabu nie ada meeting antara guru, khamis datang amik timetable dri penolong kanan..jumaat: x taw xtvt apa nk buat...
tapi kami blik awal lah...tapi x aci, Fida n Yus x payah gi sekolah mereka hari2..cis..Unfair..
masa nak balik, anuar nak tgk2 sekolah..ak kata:
esok2 jewlah nuar, kalu tgk hari ini, esok kang x taw nak buat apa lgi..jom la balik...( jAm baru kul 12 pm)..
kemudian kami berjalan balik, ak jalan paling depan sekali, kemudian smpai satu simpang,ak kata:
wei korang, jom kita explore tempat nie..
setelah dieorg kata ok, maka ak pon mengepalailah rombong cik kiah,...huh, jauh jugaklah..pastu adalah sesat2 sikit, kehausan niza dan ifa dibuatnya..tetiba, anuar bukak plak citer masa mula2 sem 1 dlu, masa nk gi fac edu dari main campus..siyes~~ nastolgia tul....rindu plak zaman tu, ramai2, naif, poyo jew,,redah jew asal sampai..yg belakang ikut jew saper yg jalan kt depan tu..kalu yg depan sesat, mak sesat lah kami...
ha3..pastu ak kata: ok jalan nie jauh, lne kali x yah lah lalu jalan nie..
hm...sori yew kawan2 practicum ku sekalian...kalu x sesat, kita x taw jalan tu jauh kan...kan..kan..
DICURI DARIPADA CIKGU NIZAThe day has finally come! It's my first day visiting SMK Sri Istana, Klang. It was unofficial though.
A million thanx to my buddy Ekhwan for accompanying me. Hehe...I never thought it's that easy..ahax...
Istana Klang is huuuuge.....almost like a Taj Mahal..ok, that's a lie.... It's effing pretty!
That's not the point. I spent...errm..let's say..quite some times at SMK Sri Istana. I must say..WOW! I love it...Thank you Mdm Lim Wai Fun!
Here's the thing...I have made myself a new friend! Her name is...Ms Aliza a/p A.'s pronounced as e-lai-za. She's a guard there... and....tadaaaaaa.... SHE SPEAKS ENGLISH FLUENTLY! She is super friendly..when I said SUPER, I really meant it!..Seriously, you can ask Ekhwan if you don't believe me...or see it for yourself...moral of the story: Never judge a book by its first page!
She's actually very nice to me..n Ekhwan of course...she was willing to spend her time showing me around the school...and she told me some stories about the school... Some interesting facts:
1. Most of the royal kids study here! The school is actually located behind the Istana.
2. The kerabat2 di-Raja's family, the Mangku2 whatever send their kids here!
3. The Quarters for the Istana workers are just next to the school...they also send their kids here!
4. The Sultan has just approved a school project...he is fully funding the school for the new buildings...
5. The school is friggin' old and ugly,'s concrete..duh..
6. Mrs Principal is very very very nice and good in what she is's already her 5th years here..
7. The ratio: Almost balanced between 3 major races...
8. They are lacking in English teachers and most of the teachers are females. The TESL trainee teachers (ifa n i) r like replacing their english teachers who r on maternity leave...;p
9. Police is often available...for ronda-ronda purpose....
10. It's a two-sessions school.
11. It's near to a very cute playground on the hill...Ekhwan and I went there too...ahahahha...clean n cute...
I think I like the school already.. I hope Pn. Marwani likes me too...(first impression)..Lalalala....
Some facts about students:
1. They are mostly weak in English...according to Ms Liza, they love the textbook but they don't understand it... It is suggested that they best learn English by watching cartoons...
2. They have problem in mixing around with different races. It is quite obvious that they will remain in their respective groups no matter what the situation is..ayyo, I'm so dead..
3. They really respect the guards...sometimes the guard will become their teacher (English)
4. They are currently working on a gardening project in the school compound. feelings? It's mixed! Seriously..I am nervous...and at the same time, I am excited to teach...First, I need to get to know them, personally...Like what Ekhwan has suggested....walk with them when leaving the school...huhu... Perhaps...
I'll update my 'survival series' there...I hope I'll survive....ameeen...Lastly, I am kinda anxious upon whom will be my mentor...huuuuuuu....
TAHNIAH CIKGU NIZAThe teachers are nice...incredibly nice... They were all eye-ing on us and gazing for their chance in us... All of them were like.."Eh, awak ambik kelas saye la", "Cikgu amik je my class", "You just take my classes la cikgu" n bla bla bla, hoping for each and every one of us to choose them... I swear I could see the "pick me, pick me teacher!" in their eyes... I am just a trainee teacher. I said.."I'll try my best maam". I can't do all things, not by myself...I also need help and guidance...
REALITINYA....What surprises me the most is their examination result. 11%??? Now I have to throw away my lesson plans which are meant for 'intermediate' and 'advanced' levels. I am not even sure if they can go through with my 'beginner' lessons. They are below that level actually...even for the A and B classes...bloodcurdling isn't it??? Not to mention how tormenting it would be for the teacher; ME! Haha...
.....SEDANG MENCARI peluang untuk mencuri daripada cikgu IFFA....